We Shape AI, AI Shapes Us

Published 16 October by Analyst(s): Mary Mesaglio, Don Scheibenreif, Hung LeHong, Rita Sallam

This is a summary of a Keynote Address Given Recently by Gartner to an IT Symposium. It discusses the following topics: 

  • AI transformation: How AI is changing the human-machine relationship and the role of CIOs in shaping this change. The document explains the difference between everyday AI and game-changing AI, and how they can impact productivity, creativity and business models.
  • AI ambition: How CIOs can use the AI Opportunity Radar to define their organisation’s AI ambition and determine where to use AI and where not to use AI. The document also suggests three investment scenarios for game-changing AI:
    •     defend
    •     extend or
    •     upend
    • :the industry position.
    • AI readiness: How CIOs can prepare their organisation for AI adoption by implementing AI-ready security, making their data AI-ready and establishing AI-ready principles.

The document provides criteria and examples for each of these pillars.

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