10 AI Terms Everyone Should Know

We’re here to help break down some of the buzzwords so you can better understand AI terms and be part of the global conversation.

SWOT Analysis

SWOT analyses were devised as an aid to creating and maintaining business strategies, but the principles can be adapted to your personal lives and careers ...

Best CRM Software for Australian Small Businesses

Customer relationship management (CRM) software helps businesses increase sales, drive growth and provide exceptional customer experiences. There are many CRM platforms on the market, each ...

How Artificial Intelligence Can Power Clinical Development

Artificial intelligence is accelerating drug discovery. If clinical development fails to keep pace, the benefits to patients will be delayed.

Is Carbon Removal Critical to Save the Planet, or Just Hot Air

The IPCC has looked at more than 500 different pathways for staying under 2C, he says, “and all involved the scaling up of carbon removal ...

We Shape AI, AI Shapes Us

How AI is changing the human-machine relationship and the role of CIOs in shaping this change.

In digital and AI transformations, start with the problem, not the technology

For digital and AI transformations to succeed, companies need to firstly understand the problems they want to solve, then rewire their organisations for continuous innovation.

Evolving Landscape of New Possibilities and Challenges for Healthcare

AI is transforming healthcare by enabling new possibilities and challenges in various domains, such as diagnosis, treatment and patient care. 12 key trends are identified ...

Have you tested your strategy lately?

Ten timeless tests can help you kick the tyres on your strategy and kick up the level of strategic dialogue throughout your company.

The Evolution of News: From Printing Press to Social Media and Beyond

News can inform, educate, entertain, and influence people’s opinions and actions. But how has news evolved over time? And what are the trends that will ...